NGV European Project

Romania Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry participated at the program generated by  the Ministry of Environment for the selection of the administrators of protected areas NATURA 2000 , obtaining the management of Gorjului North West Area .
The Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development in the European ecological network Natura 2000 appointed as administrator of Gorj North West Area, Romania Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry-CCIRJ.
Latitude Longitude Area ( ha) Elevation (m )
N 23 ° 9 ‘ 3” 23 ° 5’ 3” 87 321 Min . Max . Med
                                                                                192 1940 830
Natural protected areas included in the Natura 2000 ‘ North Western Gorjului “:
AREA: 87.321 ha
A) Community Interest :
Gorj County : Bumbeşti – Jiu ( 4%), Godinesti ( 8%), Pades ( 23%), Pestisani ( 69%),
                      Runcu ( 86 % ) , the scaffold ( 73 % ) , Stanesti ( 67 % ) , Tismana ( 82 % ) , Turcinesti ( 2% ) .
Hunedoara County : Uricani (3%) , Vulcan (< 1%).
B ) National Interest
Name Location Area ( ha)
Piatra Andreaua Tismana 1
Izvoarele Izvarna Tismana 500
Izbucul Jalesului Runcu 20
Pestera Gura Plaiului Tismana 10
Dealul Gornacelu Schela 1
Cotul cu Aluni Tismana 25
Rezervatia Botanica Cioclovina Tismana 12
Padurea Tismana-Pocruia Tismana 51,6
Cheile Sohodolului Runcu 350
Muntele Oslea Tismana 280
Cornetul Pocruiei Tismana 70
Piatra Borostenilor Pestisani 28
Cheile si Pestera Patrunsa Runcu 78
Padurea Gornicel Bumbesti Jiu 85
Cheile Gropului Sec Runcu 1562
Padurea Rachiteaua Tismana 106
Natura 2000 site – North West Gorj ROSCI0129 covers an area of ​​87 321 hectares in nine municipalities in Gorj county – Bumbeşti -Jiu, Godinesti , Pades , Pestisani , Runcu , Staging, Stanesti , Tismana and Turcinesti as the two localities Hunedoara : Uricani and Vulcan, east longitude 23 ˚ 5’3 “and 1’3 ˚ 45 ‘ north latitude .
Gorjului North West consists of a strip with two alignments Carpathian hills and depressions alternating with a mountain frame whose morphology is more impressive and complex ..
The site covers large area , including much of the mountains and a small part Valcan Godeanu .
It is located in the Alpine region with a great wealth of flora and fauna elements . Due to physical and geographical conditions site contains a large number of ecosystems present in all alpine and subalpine areas .
In rocky limestone chimneys grow large plants including Lilium species Trollius martagom uropaeus and on the cliffs of Mount Oslea being present edelweiss ( Leontopodium alpinum ) and dwarf willow (Salix retusa ) , with white garofita ( Dianthus spiculifolius ) and mountain bells        ( Edraiathus graminifolius ) .
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