How to become a member

Romanian Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry members are:
  • Membri de drept, categorie alcatuita din persone juridice a caror personalitate juridica a fost recunoscuta prin Hotarare a Guvernului emisa in baza Decretului. Lege nr. 139\1990 privind Camerele de Comert si Industrie din Romania.
  • Membri asociati, categorie alcatuita din personae juridice inscrise in Registrul Asociatiilor si Fundatiilor sau in registrul Patronatelor.
  • Membri de onoare, categorie alcatuita din personae fizice, personalitati ale vietii publice interne si internatioale.
Legal entities may obtain membership certificate by fulfilling the conduct rules and application forms.
The application must be approved by the College Board, in the first session after registration. Declining the application may be appealed within 30 days from the notice. The appeal is being pronounced on the first session of General Board.
Honorary members can get this quality based on the written proposal made by a member of The National Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
Patent Members and Associate Members are required to pay fees in the first quarter of current year. Exceeding this deadline is being followed by penalties, according with the Statute of CCIRJ.Can become a member of the Association any person who:
  •       recognizes its statute
  •       carries out a direct economic activity in Romania or Japan
  •       pays established taxes and fees
The services you benefit as member of Romania Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry  here

For more information you can call :  +4021 346 7243 or sent us an email at: